Civil Courage

Stop the Abuse and Start the Action The campaign was produced as a result of the Civil Courage Training attended by the WAVE Youth Ambassadors … Read more

The lack of implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Italy

On September 10th, 2013, the Istanbul Convention was ratified by Italy and it entered into force almost one year later, on August 1st, 2014. By ratifying the Convention, Italy is obliged to prevent and eliminate violence against women (VAW), particularly by eradicating gender stereotypes which are deeply embedded in Italian culture. These are said to be the main cause behind the high rates of domestic violence and femicide, which have dramatically increased in the past couple of years. This issue was also highlighted by the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on
VAW, Rashida Manjoo(1), in her report about the situation of VAW in Italy from 2012, and was also reflected in the judgement passed by the European Court of Human Rights in 2017 concerning the case Talpis v. Italy.(2) The current legal framework is characterized by fragmentation, inadequate punishment of perpetrators, and lack of effective redress for women affected by violence.

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The work of “Medica” Zenica with survivors of war rape and sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina

About “Medica” Zenica(1)

Medica Zenica is the oldest specialized women’s non-governmental organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), which, since April 1993 has been continuously providing comprehensive help, support and care to women and children survivors of war. Additionally, it also offers support to women and children suffering from post war violence, including survivors of war rape and other forms of war torture, sexual violence in general, survivors of domestic violence, as well as victims of trafficking in human beings. Medica Zenica is a leading organization addressing the issues of trauma and violence in BiH and during almost 23 years of work Medica Zenica has provided services to more than 450.000 survivors throughout the territory of BiH.

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The impact of a separation or divorce in cases of domestic violence on refugee status determination

This article seeks to outline the impact of a separation/divorce of a woman from her husband on refugee status determination (RSD) in cases where women have experienced violence by their husband in their country of origin and/or after arriving in the receiving country. An overview of case law of the Austrian Federal Administrative Court will be provided and in the second part main gaps in practice are summarized.

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Implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Finland: What is working well and what still needs to be fixed?

Finland signed the Istanbul Convention (IC) in 2011 and the ratification entered into force in 2015. The first country report to GREVIO was due in spring this year. Alongside Finland’s official report submitted by the state, 13 NGOs formed a coalition to produce a parallel report.(1) The report was coordinated by the two Finnish WAVE members: Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters together with Women’s Line. In this article I will introduce some of the main points of the report, divided here into three core parts: structures for implementation, support measures and legislative problems.

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