Prevention and Support Standards for Women Survivors of Violence – A Handbook for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention (2017)

This Handbook aims to provide an overview of the key legal developments and practical advances, which the ratification of the Istanbul Convention has made possible. It provides a crucial benchmark of success in the struggle to eliminate violence against women and children in Europe and provides a solid legal framework for the protection and support of women and their children who have experienced abuse. Even though the Istanbul Convention was ratified in 2011, there is still a lack of understanding amongst practitioners working in the violence against women sector, as well as the general public, about its specific remit and the requirements of its implementation. Part One of the Handbook provides a solid introduction to the framework of the Istanbul Convention and its human rights as well as non-discriminatory angle. Part Two offers a more in-depth overview of its specific requirements, e.g. the need for adequate government funding for specialist service provision, key elements of making support services for women affected by violence empowering and explores existing challenges in the collaboration between NGOs and their respective European governments. An extensive list of literary references to enable further reading and research is offered at the end of the Handbook.

The WAVE Handbook can be downloaded HERE.