The Women For Women Together Against Violence Association (NANE) was established in 1994 in Hungary, with the aim to fight violence against women and children. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, active at the individual, community, and social level.
As the WAVE Network, NANE just turned 25 years old and is one of the oldest women’s rights associations in Hungary. The Association operates a helpline free of charge, has created prevention programs for children and young people and violence-response programs to help survivors. They also translated books, put together informational materials, engaged in advocacy, facilitated professional trainings and even entered the realm of theatre with a play called “Do You Want Some Tea?”
NANE created this video to reflect on some of the key achievements the organisation has accomplished so far, together with its dedicated supporters. We are happy to share it with the WAVE Network and give prominence to NANE’s call:Â
“Our work is far from being done. We need you! Come and participate in the change! Follow us on Facebook, share this video, get to know our publications, join our events and support our work!”
You can follow NANE at the following links:
#25yearsWAVE #NANE25 #safetyforwomen #gotthepicture #WAVEmembers #feministsunite