WAVE Report 2014

The WAVE Report 2014 is structured around the following chapters: Chapter 1 looks at the prevalence of VAW in Europe, victims’ needs and new European standards on the protection and support of survivors; Chapter 2 provides information on definitions and standards for specialist women’s support services, developed by WAVE and used for data collection; Chapter 3 presents the results of data collection on specialist women’s support services in 46 European countries, with a focus on national women’s helplines and women’s shelters; Chapter 4 introduces recommendations for minimum standards on specialist women’s support services; lastly, Chapter 5 provides information on the state of service provision in 46 European countries, presented in the form of short country profiles. In addition, the WAVE Report provides a list of current WAVE Focal Points present in Europe, as well as a list of helpline numbers available in 46 European countries.

Download the 2014 Country Report.