The NGO Femme en Détresse was founded in 1997 by a working group from the Luxembourgish Movement for the Liberation of Women (MFL). The goal of the association was to create a women’s hostel, where women and children could be protected from psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. Over the years, more services have been added, to improve the living conditions of women in Luxembourg.
Femmes en Détresse offers services such as:
- Women’s shelter
- Psychological and legal counselling
- Counselling and support service for single mothers
- Childcare
- Trainings to help women in professional development and financial independence
Since 1997, Femme en Détresse is a member of the WAVE Network. Thank you for being a long-standing and active member and for the great work you are doing!
#WAVEmembers #25yearsWAVE #feministsunite