This week, the WAVE journey to its members brings us to the UK. Meet Standing Together Against Domestic Violence (STADV)!
STADV is a UK charity bringing communities together to end domestic abuse.
The activities done by STADV include advising and supporting communities to introduce, strengthen, or develop the Coordinated Community Response in their area; working with communities to bring together all the different local agencies that play a part in tackling abuse, from prevention to prosecution and beyond; delivering training and developing resources to make sure that professionals in public services feel confident dealing with disclosures of domestic violence safely and effectively.
STADV joined the WAVE Network in 2019. Besides taking part to our trainings and annual conference, STADV is actively involved in one of WAVE’s working group, the Strength-Based, Needs-Led Approach group.
Thank you for being part of the WAVE Network!
#WAVEmembers #25yearsWAVE #feministsunite