Nasrin Sotoudeh, an Iranian human rights lawyer, was sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes for her work in defending women’s human rights and protesting the strict veiling laws. She was convicted in absentia, since neither her, nor her lawyer were present in court. Amnesty International recorded this as the harshest sentence against a human rights defender in Iran in recent years.
Nasrin has dedicated her life to peaceful work on human rights, including representing numerous cases of women’s rights activists, cases of child-abuse victims and defending women who peacefully opposed the mandatory hijab laws in Iran. Nasrin’s harsh sentence suggests that the authorities are intensifying their repression, particularly against women’s human rights defenders.
The WAVE Network has been working for the past 25 years towards promoting and strengthening the human rights of women and children, in particular the right to live free from violence. WAVE thus expresses its utmost support to Nasrin Sotoudeh’s work of defending women’s and children’s rights and calls for her immediate release!
We invite you to take action and sign Amnesty International’s call here: