“Counselling at a distance – making psychological support services more accessible to all women experiencing gender-based violence” DIS.CO Conference registration is now open

The DIS.CO Dissemination Conference titled “Counselling at a distance – making psychological support services more accessible to all women experiencing gender-based violence” is being held in Vienna, Austria on November 4th, 2019.

The diversity of topics discussed at the conference will span from how to establish a good counselling relationship at a distance to how to manage various levels of risk a woman may find herself in appropriately, how to ensure data security and appropriate encryption of the information exchanged so the perpetrator cannot trace the engagement with a counsellor, suitability of the beneficiary for online counselling, technological concerns, safety and ethical concerns. The conference will also feature a demonstratino of the DIS.CO safety planning application, which intends to guide and faciliate counselling professionals working through counselling at a distance. Participants can expect a stimulating group discussion on the benefits of counselling at a distance, as well as a catered lunch.

The conference language is English.

Find the draft programme for the conference by following this link: http://bit.ly/2mh1Bqs

Registration for the conference is now open. Register here: http://bit.ly/2ltMdGp

By buying a ticket and completing this form, you are registering for the conference. There is no registration fee.

Follow DIS.CO on Facebook to stay updated on the latest happenings of the project.

Please feel free to share this event with people interested in this topic as well on your social media.

If you are traveling to the conference from Austria, you may be eligible for reimbursement. Please contact conference organiser Lina Piskernik for further details: lina.piskernik@wave-network.org

Further information about the project:

DIS.CO is a two-year Erasmus+ project that aims at the development, piloting and dissemination of VET material regarding the enhancement of key competences of psycho-social Counselling practitioners in the field of Counselling women victims of violence through alternative digital means with the aim of providing alternative innovative services and building virtual workplaces. An exciting event has been planned which will include a lively panel of professionals as well as guest speaker Petra Bayr, chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Gender Equality in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.