October 9th, 2020 – As the official dissemination partner of TISOVA, WAVE will be hosting a German-only online event on November 4th. The event will entail a presentation of the project by Lina Piskernik which is then followed by presentations by professionals in the field of elder abuse:
• Dr.in Birgitt Haller, Institute for Conflict Research (Institut für Konfliktforschung), will present on domestic abuse against elderly women
• DSAin Ursula Kussyk, Women’s Emergency Helpline for Sexualized Violence (Frauenberatung Notruf bei sexueller Gewalt), will discuss sexualized violence against elderly women
• DGKS Mag.a Sabine Ruppert, nursing advisor, will present on institutional violence and how to prevent it
Please note that this event will be entirely in German and recorded.
Download the event agenda here.
To register for this event and learn more about it, please click here.
Dieser Artikel ist unter diesem Link auch in deutscher Sprache abrufbar: https://bit.ly/2GNSZRZ