VIPROM – Victim Protection in Medicine

Domestic violence (DV) may have a serious impact on physical and psychological
health as well as quality of life of victims. Those working in the medical sector
often meet DV victims, but many do not feel informed sufficiently to identify or to
support them in an adequate way. The goal of the EU project VIPROM – Victim Protection in Medicine, initiated in 2023, is to provide sustainable, organisationally embedded, and institutionally recognised training that is tailored to the specific needs of medical professionals from various fields. VIPROM, which stands for Victim Protection in Medicine, was initiated in 2023. Partners from Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden are jointly working in this project. Train-the-trainer programs will be conducted so
that the curricula and training materials developed in VIPROM can be implemented
in pilot trainings with high quality.

Partners of the of the EU project VIPROM:

  • Medical faculty, University of Münster, DE (Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Dr. Bettina Pfleiderer)
  • Institute of Conflict Research (IKF) – AT
  • Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) – AT
  • Vienna Centre for Societal Security (VICESSE) – AT
  • European Research Services (ERS) – DE
  • GESINE Intervention (GESINE) – DE
  • University of Münster (WWU) – DE
  • Hellenic Forensic Psychiatric Association (HFPA) – GR
  • Italian Medical Women’s Association (Associazione Italiana Donne Medico – AIDM) – IT
  • Parma University Hospital (Azienda Ospedaliero – Universitaria di Parma – AOU-PR) – IT
  • University of Parma (Università di Parma – UniPR) – IT
  • Uppsala University (Nationellt centrum för kvinnofrid – NCK & Uppsala universitet – UU) – SE

Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) Network is VIPROM’s dissemination partner at European level.