Find Help

It takes a lot of courage to reach out for help. WAVE can help by providing referrals to relevant services in your country.

We collect and maintain a list national women’s helplines available in the 46 European Countries. Click here to find the contacts of these national women’s helplines.

If you are looking for more specific and regional contacts, you can find them in our database below. Here, you can search directly among around 1,440 contacts of women’s specialist services to find support close to you.

As violence does not stop at borders, we also respond to cross-border support requests from survivors, counsellors of women’s specialist services or other individuals involved, such as friends and family, through the WAVE Information Centre. We refer them to appropriate services in the relevant countries and provide support whenever possible.

Please be aware that the location displayed in the map may not necessarily correspond to the actual location of the support service. To get more detailled information, you can reach out to the respective organisation directly.

Alliance for Protection against Gender-Based Violence

Алианс за защита от насилие, основано на пола

  • Helpline
  • Other

Sofia, Bulgaria

Alo 183 ihbar hatt

Hello 183 Notice Line

  • Helpline

Nicosia, Cyprus

Alo Baro Kadın Hakları Merkezi Hattı

Bar Associations Women's Support Line

  • Helpline

Ankara, Türkiye

Alytaus miesto moterų krizių centras

Alytus City Women's Crisis Center

Alytus, Lithuania

  • Helpline
  • Shelter

D02RR27 Lacken Co.Kilkenny, Ireland

Ambulant Team (A-team) – Hulp bij huiselijk geweld

Ambulatory Team (A-team) – Domestic violence assistance

  • Shelter

Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Amt für Soziale Dienste

Office of Social Affairs

  • Helpline
  • Other

9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein

  • Helpline
  • Shelter

DD11 1RP Arbroath, United Kingdom

  • Helpline

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Ankara Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı

Ankara Women’s Solidarity Foundation

  • Shelter

34204 Ankara, Türkiye

Antalya Kadın Danışma Merkezi ve Dayanışma Derneği

Antalya Women's Counseling Center and Solidarity Foundation

  • Shelter

34204 Antalya, Türkiye

  • Helpline

220049 Minsk, Belarus

Anykščių moterų užimtumo ir informacijos centras

Anykščiai Women's Employment and Information Centre

Utenos, Lithuania

AÖF - Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser

Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters

  • Shelter

Wien, Austria

  • Helpline
  • Shelter

D02RR27 Coolock, Co.Dublin, Ireland

  • Helpline
  • Shelter

BT34 1DZ London, United Kingdom

Århus Krisecentret

"Århus" Crisis Centre

  • Shelter

8260 Viby J, Denmark

  • Shelter

3021 Den Haag, Netherlands

Artemisia Centro Antiviolenza

Women's Center Artemisia

50135 Firenze, Italy

"Orient Express" Beratungs-, Bildungs- und Kulturinitiative für Frauen

‘Orient Express’ Counselling, educational and cultural initiative for women

Wien, Austria

“Təmas Regional İnkişaf İctimai Birliyi”

TAMAS Regional Development Public Union

  • Shelter

Ganja, Azerbaijan