Women’s Economic Empowerment – Gender Alliance for Development Center

The ultimate goal of the project is to improve women’s income, reduce insecurities that women face within the business value chain, empower women entrepreneurs to assume more active roles, and analyse from a gender perspective the value chains in businesses.

The Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC) recently organised a two-day training program aimed at providing experts with the skills needed for a gender-sensitive value chain analysis (GSVCA). The training took place on 24-25 March 2023, as part of the “Women’s Economic Empowerment through Gender Sensitive Value Chain Interventions” project, supported by the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund of the Department of State.

The purpose of the project is to empower women entrepreneurs in the Municipality of Tirana and to prepare a group of experts as future trainers and experts in gender-sensitive value chain analysis. This project will not only enable women to take more active roles in Albanian society but will also support experts in conducting training sessions and analyses within the territory of the Municipality of Tirana.

During the training participants gained a solid understanding of the Gender-Sensitive Value Chain Analysis GSVCA methodology. The participants discussed the business value chain and gender perspective, as well as the challenges faced by women in business, including those arising from COVID-19 and climate change.

Additionally, participants shared innovative ideas for overcoming business obstacles and prepared a plan for conducting the GSVCA analysis. The project aims to empower various women entrepreneurs who have been beneficiaries of grants distributed by the municipality over the past four years, as well as women who do business within the Municipality of Tirana.

Gender Alliance for Development Center believes that empowering women entrepreneurs is essential for economic development and gender equality: “We will continue to organise similar training programs to enable more women entrepreneurs to participate in the economic growth of the Municipality of Tirana. By equipping experts with the necessary skills and knowledge, we are committed to creating a more equitable society where women can thrive in business and beyond.”

Written by

WAVE member from Albania: Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC)|Qendra “Aleanca Gjinore për Zhvillim” (www.gadc.org.al)

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