Since #MeToo and the rise of feminist activism in France, many organisations and professional institutions have improved care for survivors and developed legislation and protection. Although it is still very slow, the feminist sphere has developed strongly around this issue. During the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Raphaëlle Jouannic, 3rd generation WAVE Youth Ambassador (2022-2024) from France, interviewed French WAVE members and feminist activists to highlight the efforts and work done towards tackling the human rights violation that is gender-based violence against women.
Below, you can read the interviews conducted by Raphaëlle Jouannic in English and French with:
- Ghada Hatem-Gantzer, an obstetrician- gynaecologist and founder of La Maison des Femmes of Saint-Denis, a french micro-revolution in proposing comprehensive support to survivors.
- Isis Assogbavi, who coordinates the prevention actions of the association En Avant Toutes, working to prevent gender-based and sexual violence in schools.
- Lili, an activist in the #NousToutes collective, the largest French collective on the subject of gender-based violence.
- Marie Dubost, who coordinated the network of the Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes, a network of 73 organizations that support women victims of violence and their children throughout France, and manage the national helpline: 3919.
- Sarah McGrath, an Australian immigrant based in Paris and CEO of Women for Women France, an NGO that supports non-French and/or immigrant victims of violence in France. WFWF just launched a world first multilingual Online Resource Centre for all victim-survivors in France.

Ghada Hatem-Gantzer
“We are all concerned. Everyone’s vigilance can make a difference.”

Isis Assogbavi
“Patriarchy particularly affects women and gender minorities, but it hits on everyone. Boys and men included.”

“Activism is very enriching. These are moments of sisterhood, we feel powerful, we really feel that the street is ours, that we form a block.”

Marie Dubost
“Let’s continue to link up, to network. Bringing together a whole territory is what makes us strong.”

Sarah McGrath
“Thank you [professionals and activists against violence against women] so much for your work, and let’s keep going!”

Raphaëlle Jouannic
RaphaĂ«lle was born and raised in France where she studied communications and humanitarianism, and completed a year of women’s studies in Canada. She has just graduated with a master’s degree in humanitarian communications and project management, and she is currently working in the Division for Gender Equality at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Her areas of interest are gendered-based violence and the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda.