WAVE Regranting

Violence against women and girls is a long-term systemic problem in Europe without geographical or social boundaries and is a fundamental human rights violation that contravenes EU values as specified in Article 2 of the TEU and Article 23 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. It is a severe form of discrimination against women and girls and one of the biggest obstacles towards achieving gender equality between women and men.

To tackle the impact of this severe human rights violation and strengthen the role of feminist civil society organisations (CSOs), the WAVE Network is inviting its member organisations in the EU (including OCT) to submit proposals for the WAVE Regranting 2025.


Project titleWAVE Regranting 2025
Technical detailsRegranting under the CERV-2025-OG-SGO WAVE Operating Grant: Financial support to third parties

Funds made available by the European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, under the CERV Programme. WAVE acts as a regranting body of the funds pertaining to this call, upholding the rights and obligations of such bodies.
DurationMay – December 2025 (minimum 6 months)
Proposal stagesSingle stage call
Contract typeGrant agreement
Total grant amountEUR 50,000
Maximum grant awardedEUR 10,000 (EUR 5,000 grant proposals are also encouraged)
Form of the grantLump sum
Deadline for submissions31st March 2025, 10:00 am CET to regranting@wave-network.org
Eligible types of
EU-based WAVE members as stipulated in Art 1.
Online Q&A for
18th February 2025, 14:00 – 15:00 CET

Please send your application including all needed documents to regranting@wave-network.org via e-mail by the 31st March 2025 at latest.

WAVE Regranting 2024

Project titleWAVE Regranting 2024
Technical detailsRegranting under the CERV-2024-OG-SGO WAVE Operating Grant: Financial support to third parties

Funds made available by the European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, under the CERV Programme. WAVE acts as a regranting body of the funds pertaining to this call, upholding the rights and obligations of such bodies.
DurationMay – December 2024 (minimum 6 months)
Proposal stagesSingle stage call
Contract typeGrant agreement
Total grant amountEUR 50,000
Maximum grant awardedEUR 10,000 
Form of the grantLump sum
Deadline for submissions3rd April 2024, 10:00 am CET to regranting@wave-network.org
Eligible types of
EU-based WAVE members as stipulated in Art 1.
Online Q&A for
19th February 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 CET

Please send your application including all needed documents to regranting@wave-network.org via e-mail by the 3rd April 2024 at latest.

Regranting activities 2024

Domine – Organization for the Promotion of Women’s Rights, Croatia

Project name: Safe klick

Project description

This project addresses the safety of women and girls in the digital world. The Domine counseling center observed that many women do not recognize the significant risks posed by the Internet. The project aims to improve prevention and protection against digital violence. Key activities include online research on digital violence against women, creating guidelines for schools and public policies, organizing a public presentation, running an awareness-raising campaign, and offering counseling services.

Target group: women and girls

Budget received: 10 000,00€

Website: https://domine.hr/

European Anti-Violence Network, Greece

Project name: Until When?

Project description

The project addresses domestic violence against women and children, and sexual violence. Its objective is to advocate for policies and practices that effectively implement the Istanbul Convention. The primary activity will be an awareness-raising and advocacy campaign in Greece, including podcasts, videos, and advocacy meetings.

Target group: women survivors of IPV and their children, general public, CSOs and women associations, as well as all related ministries and policy makers

Budget received: 9 590,00€

Website: https://www.antiviolence-net.eu/

NANE Association, Hungary

Project name: Strength in Unity – Support Groups for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Project description

Survivors of intimate-partner violence (IPV) often experience complex trauma, impacting their mental health, well-being, and quality of life. Holistic, survivor-centered support that addresses their diverse needs, fosters healing, and promotes empowerment is essential. In Hungary, there is a significant lack of women’s specialist services. This project aims to address this by providing access to specialist support and support groups for single mothers.

Target group: single mothers who have experienced trauma and abuse at the hands of their partners, and managed to leave the abusive relationship

Budget received: 6 595,00€

Website: https://nane.hu/

D.i.Re – Donne in Rete contro la violenza, Italy

Project name: Sisterhood without borders – building skills, building paths of freedom from violence

Project description

The project enhances access to D.i.Re women’s centres and key services for refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls who have survived SGBV. It focuses on improving response capacity, resources, and operational and cultural skills of D.i.Re anti-violence centres (AVCs). The project includes training for cultural mediators and AVC staff and facilitates collaboration between AVCs and key actors supporting migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers through a multi-agency approach.

Target group: cultural mediators, case workers, stakeholders who welcome and support the paths of refugees and asylum seekers victims of GBV, as well as asylum-seeking and refugee women survivors of GBV

Budget received: 10 000,00€

Website: https://www.direcontrolaviolenza.it/

Migrant Women’s Association Malta, Malta

Project name: Educational Institutional Development Project

Project description

The Migrant Women Association Malta (MWAM) has been licensed by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority as a further education institution. The project aims to enhance employment skills and knowledge of SGBV among migrant, asylum-seeking, and refugee women in Malta. MWAM will sponsor ten students for their first accredited IT Literacy Skills for Job Compliance Training course. The project will also provide social services, an English language program, and aim to develop a certified course on psychological and cultural competence for leading migrant women who support others affected by SGBV.

Target group: migrant, asylum-seeking, and refugee women in Malta

Budget received: 10 000,00€

Website: https://migrantwomenmalta.org/

HèliaAssociació de suport a les dones que pateixen violència de gènere, Spain

Project name: Empowering women to address institutional violence through the Observatory of Institutional Violence against Women in Spain

Project description

Institutional violence often goes unspoken, with silence and normalization hindering women’s empowerment in institutional settings. This project aims to empower women and NGOs to advocate against institutional violence. Key activities include integrating them into the Observatory of Institutional Violence against Women (OVIM) advocacy strategy, raising awareness of institutional gender-based violence, outlining women’s rights and state obligations, and creating accessible resources.

Target group: NGOs and women in Spain

Budget received: 8 500,00€

Website: https://heliadones.org/

WAVE Regranting 2023

Project titleWAVE Regranting 2023  
Technical detailsRegranting under the CERV-2022-OG-SGO WAVE Operating Grant: Financial support to third parties

Funds made available by:  the European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, under the CERV Programme. WAVE acts as a regranting body of the funds pertaining to this call to current WAVE members in the European Union, upholding the rights and obligations of such bodies.  
DurationApril – December 2023 (tentatively)
Proposal stagesSingle stage
Contract typeFunding agreement
Total Grant amount€50.000
Available Grants• Two grants of €10.000 each
• Six grants of €5.000 each  
Deadline for submissions31st March 2023  
Qualifying member countriesEU Countries  

Please send your application including all needed documents to office@wave-network.org via e-mail by the 31st March 2023 at latest.

Regranting activities 2023

Migrant Women’s Association Malta, Malta

Project name: Cooking and Self-Care

Project description

The Cooking and Self-Care Project is a mental health assistance program for asylum seekers, refugees living in the Ħal Far Open Centre for Families (HFO) who are survivors or are at risk of SGBV. Through pairing together creative cooking activities and self-care/self-preservation workshops with that leaded by the psychologist and intercultural trainer /president, to facilitate participants in identifying, discussing, and reflecting on their own mental health.

Target group: asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant women in Malta who are survivors or at risk of SGBV

Budget received: 5 000,00€

Website: www.migrantwomenmalta.org

Autonomous Women’s House Zagreb, Croatia

Project name: Structural VAW & Parental Alienation – Analysis, Campaigning, Advocating

Project description

1. Cases of structural VAW and parental alienation will be analyzed and recommendations for decision makers will be made; 2. Relevant stakeholders will be informed about current issues related to the status of women’s rights and the prevention of gender-based violence in Croatia and will receive an appeal with recommendations how to tackle them; 3. General public and women in general will be sensitized about the problem of structural violence against women and how to seek help.

Target group: women in Croatia; relevant stakeholders (judiciary, Ministries, CSW, police, members of parliament and government); general public

Budget received: 10 000,00€

Website: https://azkz.hr/

Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS), Cyprus

Project name: Moving Women Forward – Movement Building for VAW and Feminist Peace

Project description

In the lights of the devided island of Cyprus and the Turkish withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention to produce a bi-communal map of the gender equlity index on both sides of the divide, conduct bi-communal / bi-lingual gender equality awareness raising campaigns, and develop policy recommendations to promote bi-communal collaboration and cooperation between NGOs.

Target groups: general public, relevant stakeholders, NGOs

Budget received: 10 000,00€

Website: www.medinstgenderstudies.org

Otro Tiempo AsociaciĂłn, Spain

Project name: Raise awareness and advocate against violence against women and girls considering the new Spanish legislation and its relation with European framework of the Istanbul Convention

Project description

Sexual violence and digital violence are two structural and historical realities that disproportionately affect women. This project focuses on the need of professionals in the intervention and social action sectors of specialised and reliable tools and knowledge of international standards when dealing with all forms of gender violence.

This project focuses on raising awareness on sexual violence against women and children including its digital forms within the Spanish new legal approach and in relation to European standards following the Istanbul Convention.

Through training courses (workshop on legal feminism, sexual violence following the Istanbul Convention, consent and promotion of digital feminist self-defense) Otro Tiempo AsociaciĂłn aims to build and reinforce feminist perspectives as well as advocacy activities and campaigns free from male violence.

Budget received: 4 990,70€

Website: www.otrotiempo.org

PATENT Association (Association of People Opposing Patriarchy), Hungary

Project name: “Rebel Girls Camp” & Lawyer Training

Project description

As a Budapest-based NGO, PATENT Association has long recognised the need to extend its activities to cities outside the capital. This project takes two of PATENT Association’s prevention and education activities – the „Rebel Girls Camp” and its lawyer training – to the municipality of Szeged, Hungary’s third largest city. The two project activities are much needed for the prevention of violence against women and girls, as well as the prevention of further traumatization of survivors. The “Szeged Rebel Girls Camp”, just like the program’s previous editions, offers space for teenage girls to explore topics pertaining to their lives and experiences, such as self-esteem, beauty standards, gender roles, safe and equal relationships and sex, or online violence. The project’s second activity is a one-day training for lawyers from Szeged, complemented by a series of follow-up case discussion meetings which provide hands-on expert knowledge that lawyers can utilize in their day-to-day work with victims of GBV.

Target groups: teenage girls (aged 13-18), lawyers

Budget received: 5 000,00€

Website: patent.org.hu

Garance ASBL, Belgium

Project name: Feminist self-defense (FSD) trainings for girls

Project description

For 20 years now Garance offers/organises feminist self-defense classes for women, gender minorities and girls 8 years and older. The growing demand, specifically for girls, was difficult to answer due to the lack of qualified trainers. The WAVE grant allowed Garance to train eight additional feminist self-defense trainers for girls, thereby increasing the NGO’s capacity by 300%. With those new trainers Garance will be able to teach feminist self-defense to many more girls and young gender minorities in Brussels and throughout Wallonia. Additionally, the project allows the NGO to improve their evaluation and collect data which can be used in advocacy for primary prevention.

Target groups: FSD trainers and girls

Budget received: 10 000,00€

Website: www.garance.be

Alliance for Protection from Gender-based Violence (APGBV), Bulgaria

Project name: Strengthening advocacy efforts for Bulgarian legislation tackling GBV

Project description

The project includes advocacy and joint actions at national and local level. Two awareness and training seminars of the Alliance, and two awareness and training sessions with representatives of institutions will be held (30 representatives and key staff, and another 30 representatives of relevant institutions). The project will strengthen the capacity of the APGBV to act united for the protection of women’s rights against violence. Joint actions of the Alliance members on a monthly basis will be implemented on the themes and issues of the project – joint and local publications of position papers, and of information brochures will be developed as well. The main elements of effective legislation for the prevention of and protection against DV will be conceptualized by experts from the Alliance and the community and the institutions and public at large will be made aware. Among the other project results will be drawing attention to specialized and frontline services on DV of NGOs from the Alliance at local level and national level; better understanding among the general public and stakeholders on the developments of EU legislation and policies on violence against women, and equality between women and men.

Target groups: Alliance members, stakeholders, general public

Budget received: 5 000,00€

Website: www.alliancedv.org/